Beautiful Eyelashes, Confident Look

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Shanghai Huangpu
n°388 Nanjing West Road 2F
near Huangpi North Road

Phone : 021 6333 1598

Mobile : 152 1665 5479 (chinese)

Mobile : 159 2165 1928 (English/French)

Business Hours
Monday - Sunday
10am - 10pm
Last Reservation for Full Set 8:30pm

    Book via Wechat by adding Thomas (English/French), scan his QR Code or use his Wechat ID : 159 2165 1928 (also his phone number)!

    Or Fill the form and click on SEND to make your reservation. Book at least 1 day in advance. After booking your reservation will be confirmed by text message or email ^_^

    Store (*)

    Name (*)

    Mobile Phone (*)

    Email (if no chinese phone)

    Number of People (*)

    Service (*)

    When (*)

